NCL Finals 2023: Training Tips

As many of our ninja competitors and families will know, ninja athletes don’t get an opportunity to try the obstacles at the NCL Finals before their official run.

We keep the obstacles a secret until the day before to keep it in the spirit of the original Sasuke (Ninja Warrior) format and to test the problem-solving skills of our athletes.

That being said, this year we wanted to provide some hints as to some of the broad skills that competitors might need to succeed at the NCL Finals this year so they can train those transferable skills in the coming months and give themselves the best chance of hitting buzzers in October.

For those of you with a regular coach, we recommend asking them to help you train these skills so you develop a safe, efficient technique.

Youth skills:

Adult skills:

Please note, this is not an exhaustive list!

Many of these are skills that athletes already work on – some of these skills that ninjas should work on but don’t train enough (balance, anyone?) – but hopefully this provides some focus for your Finals preparation.

You might not need every one of these skills on every stage, but working on these will be useful at some point in the competition if you make it far enough.

Last year, NSW ninja Casey McLaren became the first ninja to achieve Total Victory at an NCL Youth Finals in our history, but no athlete has finished all obstacles in the adult NCL Finals.

We hope this is the year we see someone climb that final mountain and make history.

We wish you good health in your training and can’t wait to see the results at this year’s NCL Finals.

If you haven’t qualified for the NCL Finals yet – we still have events in NSW, QLD and VIC remaining on the schedule.

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