Archive for September, 2023

NCL Youth Finals Update #4

Posted on: September 19th, 2023 by Mark Ravi No Comments

In this update:


If you haven’t already, this is your final reminder to update your child’s profile description on their profile with details for our commentators to mention during their runs before midnight tonight (Tuesday, 19 September 2023).

The link to sign-in to your child’s account is here:

Our crack team of youth commentators will do their best with what they’ve got, but there’s a marked difference in the quality of commentating when they have notes to draw on.

As a reminder, here are some of the questions you might answer:

The screenshot below should help you find the right spot:

If you’re having difficulty accessing your child’s account to update the profile, please contact us for assistance.

While you’re there, if you’d also consider updating your child’s standing reach that’d be much appreciated!


It’s all well and good to have notes on each competitor, but you need someone to read them out! Luckily, we’ve got some great commentators to help out and we think you’ll be excited to see some of these names:

These awesome ninjas are volunteering their time to make sure we have commentary on the youth livestream, so be sure to show your appreciation if you see them at Finals.

While we can’t guarantee who will be commentating individual runs as they’ll be on a rotation, each of them is a veteran ninja who knows what they are talking about.


International wildcards have been a part of the Ninja Challenge League since its inception, with American Ninja Warrior veteran Travis Brewer kicking us off and Sasuke Malaysia’s Mat Redho making history in 2018 as the first international wildcard to take home the title of Last Ninja Standing.

For the first time in NCL history, we’ll be having an international wildcard in the NCL Youth Finals!

All the way from Israel, Teens Division competitor Ofek Vig will be putting our locals to the test.

We hope you’ll make Ofek feel welcome and support him as you would any Australian competitor.

You can check out some of Ofek’s amazing moves on his Instagram:


Spectator tickets for Day 1 of the NCL Youth Finals have been on sale for just under two weeks, so we wanted to provide an update on the number of tickets sold and the number of total tickets remaining and the number of unclaimed parent/guardian tickets.

Wednesday, October 4

Morning Session:

Afternoon Session:

That’s all for now – if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

NCL Youth Finals Update #3

Posted on: September 8th, 2023 by Mark Ravi No Comments

In this update:


As previously announced, all paid spectator tickets for the NCL Youth Finals 2023 were scheduled to go on sale today.

However, we had many questions from parents about when they should buy tickets for Day 2 of the Youth Finals, when Stages 2 & 3 take place.

The nature of the NCL Youth Finals is that many competitors will fall too early on Stage 1 to move on to Stages 2 & 3.

This puts parents and supporters in a difficult position. If they book Day 2 spectator tickets for them and their 11 family members, they might end up in a situation where their child doesn’t make it to Day 2 and those 11 family members decide to spend their day a different way and might want a refund. If they choose to wait to book Day 2 spectator tickets until they know their child has progressed to Day 2, they risk the Day 2 tickets selling out and not being able to get a ticket to see their child.

After some consultation with Clem and the team at The Compound Training, we have decided that instead of opening up ticket sales for both days of the NCL Youth Finals now, we are only going to make tickets for Day 1 (Wednesday) available now.

Tickets for Day 2 (Thursday) will go on sale the morning of Wednesday, October 4 – the first day of the Youth Finals, so parents can book for Day 2 once they know their child has progressed and we don’t have to spend Wednesday night frantically trying to issue refunds for Day 2 to open up more tickets.

With that said, we encourage you to purchase your Day 1 tickets here:

Wednesday, October 4


As some of you have pointed out, there were some errors in the run orders that were published on Wednesday – particularly around tiebreakers.

Unbeknownst to us, we ran so many events this season that we exceeded the parameters of our scoring software, so the last two events (NSW Youth Ninja Challenge #6 & QLD Youth Ninja Challenge #4) were not being added to the total points for competitors that we used for tiebreakers.

As a result, there were mistakes up and down the run order.

We are deeply sorry for any anguish or frustration this error has caused, one of the perils of automation is that you don’t always pick up on glitches right away.


With this error now resolved, I have now gone through the run orders for all age groups and updated them with the correct tiebreakers.

Please see the updated run orders here:

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask and I’ll do my best to respond as quickly as possible.

NCL Adult Finals Update #1

Posted on: September 6th, 2023 by Mark Ravi No Comments

The NCL Adult Finals 2023 are just over a month away and we hope you’re as excited as we are! This is the first update on all things Adult Finals, so be sure to read carefully!

In this update:

Schedule Release



*: Please note this is a rough schedule and may be adjusted based on the number of competitors who clear Stage 1.

To see where you specifically will be running, see the official run order on the Finals page:

Competitor profiles

As previously announced, the livestream will be returning this year for the entirety of the NCL Adult Finals and the Australian Ninja Open.

To make sure our commentators can sprinkle in some fun tidbits during your run, we’re asking you to update the Profile Description in your profile on the Ninja Challenge League website with some key information you’d like to share with our commentators.

This can include key achievements, reasons you love ninja, background outside of ninja or other hobbies you think help (we’re sure Jake Baker’s time playing D&D is the secret to his success).

If you’re stuck, then just put the answers to the following questions:

While you’re at it, if you could update your occupation in the profile section as well that would be much appreciated!

Please endeavour to have these updated by midnight on Tuesday, September 19.

You can login to your profile here:

If you’re having any trouble finding your profile in MembershipWorks, shoot us an email and we’ll be happy to help.

Adult Finals Spectator Tickets

Spectator tickets for both days of the NCL Adult Finals are on sale now through Eventbrite.



A few things worth noting:


To accommodate more spectators and portable toilets, The Compound Training’s allocated on-site parking will be fenced off as an overflow spectator area, so there will be NO ON-SITE PARKING directly outside the venue.

No spectators or competitors are allowed to park in the business park, as the neighbouring businesses will be operating and require those parking bays for their customers.

The map below shows three sites where parking is available:

Allow at least 10 minutes of walking to reach the competition venue.

The Service Road on Dorset Road is the closest walk and will have the least impact on surrounding businesses.

Call for commentators

We’ve had some great commentators over the years, from Sandover and Smith, to Jack and Tom and on to Kadeem and Jake – but if you’ll look closely you’ll see they all have one thing in common and we’d like to get a more diverse mix at this year’s event.

We have already had some expressions of interest from a few people to commentate the Adult Finals, but if you’d also like to volunteer, shoot Mark an email at

It won’t be for the whole weekend, we’ll be having a rotation of commentators to make sure the audience gets a fresh experience and hears from many different voices.

If you’re a Finals competitor, Mark will make sure you have plenty of time between your commentator slot and when you are due to run so that it doesn’t affect your performance on the day.

If this is something you are interested in trying, please reach out before midnight on Tuesday, September 12.

If you have any questions about anything not covered here, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Special NCL Adult Finals Announcement

Posted on: September 3rd, 2023 by Mark Ravi No Comments

The Ninja Challenge League Adult Finals 2023 have just gotten even better with the addition of a team competition that will take place on the Sunday following the end of Stage 3.

We’ll be bringing you a modified version of the Australian Ninja Open format ahead of the full version making a return next year.

If this is the first you’ve heard of the Australian Ninja Open, we recommend checking out the explanation and footage of the previous iteration here: LINK

Briefly, the main components of the Australian Ninja Open are:

  1. a) the Ninja Draft where team captains pick teams from eligible competitors;
  2. b) the relay format where teams work together to conquer courses; and
  3. c) the blind order format where competitors attempt to outperform their opponent on a whole course to earn points for their team.

So how is it going to work at this year’s event?



While we’d love for everyone to experience the fun of the Australian Ninja Open, time constraints means we have to limit the number of competitors and teams, so athletes will need to earn their place in the competition with their performance in the Ninja Challenge League Adult Finals 2023.

Eligibility for the Australian Ninja Open will be determined by furthest fastest on Stage One only.

The team captains will be the eight Young Adult Finalists who go furthest fastest on Stage One.

The player pool will be the 32 Adult Finalists who go furthest fastest on Stage One.


The Australian Ninja Open Draft will take place on Saturday, October 7 after the conclusion of Stage One for all divisions.

The Australian Ninja Open Competition will take place on Sunday, October 8 after the conclusion of Stage Three for all age divisions.


The draft order will be in a snake format, with the order reversing after each round of picks.

This means the top Young Adult in Stage One will have the first pick in the first round, the last pick in the second round, the first pick in the third round and the last pick in the final round.

The team captains will have one minute to make each selection.

If the captain fails to pick an athlete in that time, a random competitor will be added to their team.

Commissioner’s note: “Don’t feel bad if you’re picked last – I was the last pick in the Australian Ninja Open draft in 2021, but it’s better to be picked last than not picked at all!”


The relay format will see four athletes from each team work together to attempt to defeat an eight-obstacle course.

As there are five people on the team and only four athletes participating in the relay course, the team captain must decide who rests in each round – but teams cannot have the same four athletes in consecutive seeding rounds.

To do so, the team captain will assign each athlete to a starting spot at the beginning of the 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th obstacles.

The athletes will attempt to clear their pair of obstacles in order and tag the next team member. Once an athlete tags the next competitor on their team, they cannot attempt any further obstacles.

If an athlete fails an obstacle, the next athlete in the order will have to make their way to the start of the failed obstacle from their starting platform and attempt to complete those obstacles in addition to their own until they reach the next athlete’s starting position.

If the replacement athlete also fails an obstacle, the next team member in the order attempts the obstacle until all athletes have failed an obstacle or completed the course.

Sound a bit confusing? Let me provide an example:

If Zak is at the starting line for the course and fails the 2nd obstacle, Ashlin, who is in position at the start of the 3rd obstacle, must go back to the start of the 2nd obstacle and complete the 2nd, 3rd and 4th obstacles to tag Olivia, who is in position at the start of the 5th obstacle. If Ashlin also fails on the 2nd obstacle, then Olivia would have to go back to the start of the 2nd obstacle and try to do the 2nd to 6th obstacles to tag Clem who is waiting at the start of the 7th obstacle. If Olivia failed an obstacle, Clem would have to go back to the start of the obstacle she failed and attempt all the remaining obstacles. At that point, if Clem failed, the team’s run would be over and their result would be how far Clem got on the course.

In the above example, if Zak had finished the first two obstacles and then tagged Ashlin, he wouldn’t be able to attempt any more obstacles, even if everyone else ahead of him failed.

This means teams have to think carefully about where they place each athlete – do you put your best athlete at the end so they can bail out the rest of the team or do you put them on the obstacle they are best at regardless of where it sits on the course?

The relay format is about strategy is much as it is about strength and skill.


The blind order format will see each of the five team members take on a whole course by themselves and attempt to record a better result than their opponent from the other team.

Before any competitor attempts the course, the team captains will submit a run order to the ANO officials showing who will run 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th – with the only rule being the captains themselves must be last in the run order.

The team with the higher seed will choose if they want to run first or second after the match-ups are revealed.

Then the 1st athlete from each team will attempt the course and whoever goes furthest fastest will earn a point for their team.

For example, Kadeem is running first for his team and records a finish in a time of 2 minutes. The first runner for the other team, Jake, records a finish in a time of 3 minutes. In this scenario, Kadeem recorded a better result than Jake, so he earns a point for his team.

This will continue for the 2nd runner from each team and so on until all team members have attempted the course.

The team with the most points after all runners have attempted the course will win the match, so a team will need at least 3 points to secure victory.


  1. Seeding Round: All teams will take on a course using the relay format above. The teams will attempt the course in reverse draft order (i.e. the team that picked last in the first round of the draft will run first in the seeding round, followed by the team that picked second-last etc). Teams will be ranked 1-8 based on their performance in the seeding round.
  2. Knockout Round: Teams will take on a single other team using the relay format above based on where they rank after the seeding round, with the higher-seeded team choosing whether it wants to run first or second:
    1. 4v5
    2. 3v6
    3. 2v7
    4. 1v8
  3. Semi-finals: The teams that win their match-up will face another winning team using the relay format above:
    1. Winner of 3v6 vs Winner of 2v7
    2. Winner of 4v5 vs Winner of 1v8
  4. The Championship Round: The teams that win their semi-final match will face another team using the blind order format above to determine the overall winner of the 2023 Australian Ninja Open.


You might be wondering how much we’re charging athletes to take part in this amazing event? The answer is… absolutely nothing! There is no extra cost beyond what has already been paid for the NCL Adult Finals – we just want you all to have lots of fun!

If you have any questions (apart from how Zak, Ashlin and Olivia all failed the 2nd obstacle in the above example), please don’t hesitate to ask.

We hope you’re excited as we are!

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